Wednesday, 6 November 2013

In the center of Havana, in the street Mercaderes, is a beautiful mural of Andres Carrillo

In the center of Havana, in the street Mercaderes, is a beautiful mural of Andres Carrillo

It`is located opposite the beautiful home of Marquise de Arcos

In 1844 her house was the center of art and culture

Andres Carrillo didn`t only decorate the wall but also show a piece of the history of Havana

On the wall you see the people that visited the "art room" of
Marquise de Arcos

Andres Carrillo searched their pictures and studied the clothes of the era between 1844 and 1845

The mural shows 67 human figures belonging from different eras

Andres Carrillo tried, with unusual techniques and mixing the materials, to get new colors and textures

The base material for the artwork was stone powder mixed with acrylic resin

He also used sand in four different shades: beige, black, pink and ocher and he managed to get more than 30 shades

The wall in Mercaderes is known worldwide and has often photographed by tourists like me


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting such a thorough presentation of the pictures in the mural and its history.


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