Monday, 28 October 2013

Cienfuegos is the "Pearl of the South"

Cienfuegos is one of the major industrial cities of Cuba and has the nickname
"Perla del Sur" (Pearl of the South)

The city is visited by few tourists but is definitely worth a visit

Along the long and straight avenues you find many neoclassical buildings that are unique to Cuba

In the center is the beautiful theater "Teatro Toma Terry"at the "Parque Marti"
where the city was founded in 1819 by the French

There is a statue of Jose Marti and a bandstand from 1922

The buildings in the center are all well cared for and the people
were dressed better than in the rest of Cuba

It was clear that the people are richer here than in the rest of Cuba

The city lies on the shores of the bay "Bahia de Jagua"

José Marti

It was the first city in Cuba where we saw shops and various nail salons

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