Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Hotel Telegrafo is beautifully situated in Havana Vieja

Hotel Telegrafo **** is an old hotel in Havana and opened his doors to the
public around 1860

This was several years after the first telegraph station in
the country was established

The hotel moved to the current location in 1888

In 1914 there were phones in the rooms and the restaurant

The guests were then able to make use of national and international telephone and that at a time when even public toilets were a rarity

The third floor was built during the last restoration and the
hotel opened in 2001 again

The hotel is at the intersection of Prado and opposite Parque Central

The hotel is within walking distance of the Malecon and close to several famous sites in Old Havana

The room was nice, clean and spacious and had a beautiful bathroom

The Capitolio is practically next door

From the hotel you can explore the fine colonial part of the city

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