Wednesday, 30 October 2013

In "La Bodeguita del Medio" in Havana Hemingway drank his favorite mojitoi

In the bar "La Bodeguita del Medio" in Havana Hemingway liked
the mojitos the tastiest

Many visitors also want to drink a mojito in this bar

The walls in the bar are filled with photos of Hemingway and there's also a photo whit him and Fidel Castro

His signature hangs framed between all photos in a list

The bar has several floors and everywhere you see signatures
placed by visitors

Even the tables are full scratched

La Bodeguita del Medio is a typical Cuban restaurant- bar in Havana

The other well-known personalities who have visited the bar are Salvador Allende, the poet Pablo Neruda and the artist Josignacio

La Bodeguita del Medio claims to be the "birthplace" of the Mojito cocktail that`s made ​​since the opening of the bar in 1942

Mojito is made with rum, mint, sugar, lemon and soda water

Attracted by the charm of Havana writers , choreographers , musicians and journalists meet together in this bar

The menu is typical Cuban : cooked rice , black beans , pork and fried banana

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