Saturday, 26 October 2013

Our first holiday in Cuba was in Hotel Brisas in Guardalavaca

After a flight (from the Netherlands) of 10 hours and a long bus ride, through the dark on bad roads, we arrived exhausted at hotel Brisas **** in Guardalavaca

The suitcases were happily brought to our room because there was
no elevator and we slept on the second floor

We ate something and went to bed

Immediately I fell asleep and didn't know where I was when I woke up

I thought I was in an aviary because I heard all tropical birdsong and
suddenly I knew I was in Cuba

I had no idea how the view was because we arrived in the dark

My mouth dropped wide open when I walked on the ... what a beautiful view

A blue-green sea , snow-white beach and lots of palm trees

I was immediately forget the fatigue of the day before

We have had a fantastic but also very impressive holiday

Nice people , beautiful beach , sea water of 28 degrees and not to mention the Cuban music

Everywhere you came you heard this lovely music

There were also a lot of couples who married on the beach and some
left a reminder in the garden behind

Luckily we had realized that a hotel in Cuba probably would not be the same as in Europe

The pool and the buildings on the outside looked very good and in the garden
were palm trees and beautiful plants

The beds and bathroom were very clean and every day they had
made ​​something beautiful of the towels

Everyone did his best to please you but everything in the hotel was very outdated

The paint was peeling from the walls and ceiling of our room , the phone had a cut wire, etc.
but that didn't bother us

The food consisted mainly  vegetables , beans and chicken but for for us that was no problem and of course you have to adapt to the country

We made a trip through eastern Cuba and saw how poor the Cubans were

There was almost nothing at the shops

Houses of old unpainted wood with dried palm leaves as roof

All horses were very skinny and the very old American cars were repaired
more often than they could drive

It was the first time in my life that I was so close to so much poverty and found it very intense

We came back home with empty suitcases because we have our clothes and toiletries given away and we were fortunately not the only one

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