Sunday, 27 October 2013

"Socialism or death" was our first introduction to Cuba

Cuba in sight

After landing at the airport in Holguin the first we saw from the airplane
was the text "Socialismo o muerte" (Socialism or death)

My stomach turned around and I wondered what we were getting into

Two women, my husband and I were the only passengers who get out the plane because the rest flew to Havana 1.000 km. further away

We were the only passenger plane, further we saw only military aircraft

At the stairs were soldiers with impressive guns and dogs
waiting to guide us to the arrival hall

(Today, the wall is painted white and there are no soldiers at the plane)

Customs examined each passport thoroughly and after
this ritual the door opened

With a loud bang the door fell behind me and I couldn't see my husband

I was very pleased when he came through the door after some time

Then we went to the baggage claim where the dogs walked
sniffing at every suitcase and bag

Then the dogs turned circles around us while the soldiers watched

Such "welcome" we've never had

Luckily we got our bags quickly and the holiday could begin

It was an impressive holiday and we`ve been back in
Cuba several times since then


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