Monday, 28 October 2013

Mausoleum of Ernesto "Ché" Guevara in Santa Clara

On the huge Plaza de Revolucion was the first thing I noticed the huge 22 meter high bronze statue of Che Guevara in guerrilla uniform

The bandage on his arm refers to his injuries on his wrist during
the fight in Cabaigan

In the pedestal is engraved his famous slogan: "Hasta la victoria siempre"

Behind this monument is the mausoleum

There was tight security and taking pictures inside was strictly prohibited

Santa Clara was chosen as the location in memory of Che Guevara 's forces

On December 28, 1958 the famous battle of Santa Clara took place which ultimately ensured the end of the revolution

The Mausoleum in Santa Clara houses the remains of the Marxist revolutionary “Ernesto Che Guevara” and twenty-nine of his fellow - fighters

His tomb pillar was in the middle of all the graves and his
commander star hung above

They are slain in 1967 during an armed uprising in Bolivia

Che Guevara was buried with military honors on October 17, 1997 after his exhumed remains were discovered in Bolivia and returned back to Cuba

In the Mausoleum is a museum dedicated to the life of Che Guevara

Here you can see a few of his personal belongings, photos and documents about his life

There burns an eternal flame that was lit by Fidel Castro

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