Monday, 28 October 2013

There are more and more souvenirs for sale in Cuba

The first holiday in Cuba we could buy cigars, rum and T-shirts as souvenir

Coffee beans just picked on the plantation is also a nice souvenir to take home just like the nougat that is very tasty

The Cubans have discovered that there is money to earn from the tourists so now you can find souvenir stalls or markets everywhere

Woodcarving, jewelry, cans turned into utensils and paintings

If the painting is too large to fit in your suitcase they gently disassemble

You get the canvas rolled along and the list disassembled into parts
so you can compile it home again


  1. Hello, I like these paintings, I would like to know How is the name of the painters on your pictures (with many colors)?
    Thank you

    1. Sorry Laetitia buth I don`t know the name of the artist. The artist sells his paintings along the street in Varadero.

      Kind regards Xandra


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