Thursday, 7 November 2013

Bacardi's office in Havana is a beautiful art deco building from 1930

The Bacardi building in Havana is located on Avenida de Belgica 261 between Empedrado and San Juan de Dios in Old Havana

The building was designed by the architects Rafael Fernández Ruenes, Esteban Rodríguez Castell and Jose Menendez for the Bacardi rum company

The art deco building was completed in 1930 and was at that time the largest building in Havana

After the Cuban revolution and the departure of Bacardi from Cuba the building remained
in use as an office

The renovation of the exterior was almost finished and the building
looked lovely

On the inside is still a lot to be done

We have paid the doorman a CUC entrance per person

The last two floors we had to take the stairs

We were shocked on the top floor of the poor state of repair

The balcony was full of cracks so we didn`t dare leaning against the edge

The entrance was beautifully decorated with marble and stained glass

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