Thursday, 7 November 2013

Castillo de Los Tres Reyes Del Morro in Havana

The Morro Castle, or in Spanish "Castillo de los Tres Reyes Magos del Morro", is a picturesque fortress guarding the entrance to the bay in Havana

Juan Bautista Antonelli, an Italian engineer, designed it

When it was built in 1589 Cuba was occupied by the Spaniards

The fort protected the mouth of the harbor with a chain that was stretched across the water to the fortress of La Punta across

On the headland on the other side of the harbor you see Old Havana or 'Habana Vieja" and the Malecon

Signs indicates what you can see in Habana Vieja, just across the street from the fort

Inside the fort is an exhibition on the lighthouses of Cuba

The cannons around the fort aren`t all as nice as this one … 
most were in poor condition and rusty

The office of the current harbor master is still housed in the fortress

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