Friday, 1 November 2013

In Trinidad there was a crocodile on the stairs of Paladar "La Nueva Era"

In Trinidad we have eaten in Paladar (restaurant in a livingroom)
" La Nueva Era"

At the entrance was a huge stuffed crocodile on the stairs

The restaurant also had a courtyard with a small cage containing a real crocodile

The paladar was in the center of Trinidad

During the meal there was Cuban music

I loved the old crockery

The homemade meal tasted fine and after dinner we could see the house

We were allowed to take photo`s of the interior

Paladar is a term used in Cuba for restaurants that Cubans employed in
their own homes and you eat homemade Cuban food

The small private restaurants have always existed in Cuba but were illegal at the nineties

After the fall of the Soviet Union and the economic crisis forced the government to reform

One of the points of these reforms was the legalization of
private businesses such as restaurants

The paladares were to be subject to rules of the Cuban government regarding the amount and what food they might offer, hiring of staff and the number of seats they could offer

In 2010, the rules changed and this has resulted in a significant increase
in the number and diversity of paladeres


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