Friday, 1 November 2013

Sugar Valley "Valle de los Ingenios" at Trinidad is a UNESCO World Heritage

Outside the city you will find the Trinidad Sugar Valley " Valle de los Ingenios " that`s now part of the UNESCO World Heritage

The Hacienda Manaca Iznaga is the largest extant domain

Here you will find the 44 meter high tower "Torre de Manaca Iznaga" which has become the symbol of the valley

We climbed on the tower only the first floor because the stairs weren`t really solid with multiple missing steps

Although the view at the valley was amazing

The sheets and clothing that you see were embroidered souvenirs

The tower was used by the supervisors to keep an eye on the slaves

The slaves lived near the huge house of the owner (from 1750),
which now is a museum

Here the sugar industry came in the second half of the 18th century to bloom

At its peak, mid-19th century, there were forty sugar mills in operation

There was competition from factories in other parts of the island and because of the development of the sugar industry in Europe

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