Saturday, 2 November 2013

Trinidad in Cuba is on the UNESCO World Heritage List

The city of Trinidad in the province of Sancti Spiritus, central Cuba,
and since 1988 on the UNESCO World Heritage List

Trinidad was founded in 1514 by Diego Velazquez de Cuellar,
first with the name of Villa de la Santisima Trinidad

The provincial town, just north of the Bay of Ancon, has the
authenticity of the Spanish 16th century preserved

The picturesque center with the church of St. Francis, around the Plaza Mayor,
the Palacio Cantero and the Palacio Brunet are the highlights

Trinidad has become rich by the sugar trade

After the collapse of the world trade the residents went away and the city fell into decay

With much dedication the old buildings are gradually restored

The city has retained its originality

Trinidad is known for its colorful houses and beautiful wrought iron

Although much still has to be restored you could see that once it was a beautiful city 


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