Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Cubans are proud people with humor

We have learned to know the Cubans during our travels as warm-hearted people with a great sense of humor

Many things are not for sale in Cuba but they are very resourceful and
they invent ways to earn money

Many are well educated and speak English

They present themselves as a guide, musician, rent rooms, cooking meals or selling something

Of course they all try (if possible) to earn money from the tourists

However, they were never pushy and there was no begging

I made a picture of this old American car

After I made ​​the picture the owner pulled a cloth of 
the sign " Photos 25 cents "

Of course I gladly gave him the money

There is a strong family bonding in Cuba and they often
live close together

Everyone helps each other and everything is shared 

In the evening they often sit out on the street or in the park

Sometimes there is someone who has a bottle of
liquor that they share

You always here somewhere the wonderful Cuban music and you see regularly that people spontaneously dance on the street

The Cubans are proud of their bodies and swing their hips and it`s no problem if there are extra rolls of fat

In Cuba is no advertising so they are not affected by pictures of anorexic models that give them the idea how they “must” look

They are just themselves, satisfied with their body and much more social than we usually nowadays

We can learn much from them.....


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