Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Vinales is located at the province of Pinar del Rio

The town of Vinales is located at the province of Pinar del Rio and is the main tobacco growing part in Cuba

The first time we visited the town there were no souvenirs to buy but now the street near the church was filled with souvenir stalls

We like to look at the Cuban people and they like to look at the tourists…

On the square was played music

Pinar del Rio is known for its cigar factories and rum factory where
Guayabita-rum is made

Residents of this area are often called Pinareños

The name Pinar del Río is derived from the many pine trees that were planted by the Spaniards along the River Rio

Even on road signs is a lack in Cuba but they have found a solution ... 
just painting itself

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