Monday, 28 October 2013

In the Bay of Pigs, I put my teeth in a crocodile

During our stay in Cuba we visited the Bay of Pigs a few times

Most of you will immediately think of the invasion of 1961 when
they hear " Bay of Pigs”

Everywhere we saw memorials along the way of soldiers who were killed during the invasion

In the Bay of Pigs we visited a crocodile farm

The crocodiles were grown to be eaten

First, we could see how they were fed but the meat smelled awful

The smell was almost unbearable and I find crocodiles repulsive beasts

After the tour we had lunch with … crocodile meat

I can honestly tell you that I didn't like the idea

I eat everything but a crocodile .... 

I gathered all my courage and put a piece in my mouth and tried not to think it was crocodile meat

To my surprise it tastes good, it tasted a bit like chicken

I never had thought that I ever would put my teeth in a crocodile

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