Monday, 28 October 2013

We sailed through the cave "Cueva del Indio" in the Vinales valley

Five kilometers north of the town Viñales you find "Cueva del Indio"
(Cave of the Indian)

At the restaurant Finca San Vincente you can park and
then walk to the cave

Before we visited the cave we first ate a delicious Cuban meal with pork, rice, kidney beans and salad

In 1920 the cave was discovered and there are various remains of the first settlers found

This dog was sleeping in the cave

Probably he find it too hot outside

You can explore a part of the cave on foot, then you must in a boat on the River San Vincente

After the boat ride you can buy hats and baskets woven of palm leaves

On the terrace you could drink a glass of freshly squeezed cane sugar juice (with or without rum) or take a ride on a buffalo

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