Monday, 28 October 2013

Plaza de la Revolution in Havana

The Plaza de la Revolucion in Havana is the 31st largest city square in the world, measuring 72,000 square meters

On the square many political rallies take place

Opposite the Memorial Jose Marti you find the image of Che Guevara with his famous slogan “Hasta la Victoria Siempre” on the Ministry of Home Affairs

The National Library, many ministries and other buildings are located in and around the Plaza de la Revolution

The square is dominated by the José Martí Memorial, a 109 m high tower and a 18 m high statue

Behind the monument are the well-preserved offices of former President Fidel Castro

The construction of the square and the José Martí monument began during the presidency of Fulgencio Batista

The square and the monument were rounded in 1959, when Fidel Castro came to power

It was originally the “Plaza Cívica” but after the Cuban Revolution in 1959, it`s the "Plaza de la Revolución" or "Revolution Square"

An elevator makes it possible to get to the top of the monument, at 109 meters, one of the highest points in Havana

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