Monday, 28 October 2013

Beautiful view from the Gran Piedra, the highest mountain east of Santiago de Cuba

The Gran Piedra is with its 1214 meters the highest mountain in the Sierra Maestra east of Santiago de Cuba

We enjoyed here a beautiful view of the Sierra Maestra

On the way to the top were suddenly Cubans with fruit and art along the way while we thought no one would live here

The kids were happy with the pencils and erasers we gave them

A paved road with hairpin curves ended at the Villa la Gran Piedra

There we had to climb a staircase with 452 steps and
after that a dirt road

Along the path grew many species of ferns, oranges and other plants

It was very hot and humid and we were very tired when we arrived

Finally we had also to climb a steel ladder of a tower to enjoy the view but it was well worth

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