Saturday, 2 November 2013

Parque Central is the center of "Habana Vieja"

Parque Central is located in the center of "Habana Vieja" and is a meeting place for the Cubans

Sometimes the daily discussions about baseballs looks like whether
they had a fight

Around the square are several hotels like the oldest hotel in Cuba Hotel Inglaterra, Telegrafo and Parque Central

Three good hotels from which you can explore on foot the old town

On the square you will find the monument of Jose Marti

Pedicab `s, old American cars, CoCo taxi` s, Camello buses and a few old Dutch bus speeding along the planted square

Museo de Bellas Artes (Museum of Fine Arts) you can also find at this square

On the east side of the Parque Central you will find the shopping arcade Manzana de Gómez from 1910 where most shops were closed and must be necessary restored

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