Friday, 1 November 2013

Plaza Vieja in Havana is now fully restored by UNESCO

The Plaza Vieja (Old Square) was originally Plaza Nueva (New Square) and was founded in 1559

Plaza Vieja was the site of executions, processions, bullfights and parties and the wealthy citizens of Havana watched from their balconies

Plaza Vieja has valuable colonial buildings from the sixteenth , eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and some examples of the early twentieth century

In the eighteenth century the square was transformed into a popular market and was the Plaza del Mercado (market ) called

The original Carrara marble fountain surrounded by four dolphins was demolished in the 1930s when President Gerardo Machado (1871-1939) built an underground parking

Since the early eighties Old Havana was declared a protected area by UNESCO and architects and restorers began with the restoration project
of the Plaza Vieja

Now the whole square is restored you get a good idea of ​​how beautiful Havana must have been

Before and after restoration

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