Thursday, 7 November 2013

The bullet holes can still be seen after the restoration in the Museum of the Revolution in Havana

In the former Presidential Palace of Havana is now
"Museo de la RevoluciĆ³n" housed

The palace was built between 1913 and 1920 and was decorated by Tiffany `s from New York

This museum is the "holy of holies" of the Cuban revolution

After the renovations you can still see the bullet impacts on the outside walls and the marble staircase in the hal

From the 35 students who committed the attack were 32 killed on the spot

The "eternal" flame is lit by Fidel Castro on April 19, 1989

Behind the building there are several cars, ordnance and the Granma

The 18-meter yacht that Fidel and his 81 companions in December 1956 brought of Tuxpan in Mexico to the Oriente in Cuba

With this landing they gave the impetus to the revolution and they assured themselves a place in the history books

The exhibition in the various rooms of the building gives a complete account of the revolution, beginning with the Spanish-American war late nineteenth century and ending with the fall of the Batista regime

Various artifacts of the revolution can be seen here and there is a special room dedicated to Che Guevara

Especially the Salon de los Espejos, the hall of mirrors, is impressive and reminiscent of a miniature of the same hall in the palace of Versailles

This was on March 13, 1957 an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow dictator Fulgencio Batista

Just in time he managed to escape through a secret door in his office

Not everything was renovated ...

Of course there were also the famous T - shirts for sale

In the front of the building is a Russian-made SAU-tank that was used during the fighting following the invasion of the Bay of Pigs in April 1961
by Fidel Castro

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