Thursday, 7 November 2013

There`s enough to see in the streets of Havana Vieja

If you walk through the streets of Old Havana or "Havana Vieja"  you don`t get bored because there is mutch to see

We saw a Dutch bus with Dutch destination "Hoogovens" and
Cuban license plates

Everything is sold on the street such as these bananas

You'll meet a variety of musicians

However, you must watch your step because there are huge holes in the pavements and roads

This Cuban flag is painted by the owner himself

These brightly colored ladies would love to go on the picture in
return for some coins

The sneakers hang to dry

St. Barbara is honored with flowers and fruit

Old guns are everywhere in the streets of Havana

Onions and eggplant

Domino and chess are often played outside in Cuba

This meat was outside all day in the sun ...

Electra runs above the ground or comes out of a hole in the wall of a house

Churros is a delicacy made from dough

This man was walking with his snake



This lady got a beautiful red rose from her boyfriend

The street sweepers had a break and some did a nap

Regularly you see women with curlers 

Apples sold from shopping cart

Shoe cleaning

Santeria priestess

Street artist

Electricity Meters

This man sells petrol in bottles

Girls in flamenco dresses

Fresh peeled orange

The water for the residents of Havana is supplied by a tanker

Potatoes for sale

This man stomped all empty cans flat he had found

This Cuban lady is wearing a Dutch shopping bag

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