Friday, 1 November 2013

The Christ Statue "Cristo de la Habana" in Havana is 51 meters above sea level

The Christ of Havana is a colossal sculpture of Jesus of Nazareth, the work of the Cuban sculptor Jilma Wood

The statue is made of marble from Carrara, Italy

The statue is about 20 meters high and rests on a base of 3 meters in which various objects buried

His estimated weight is about 320 tons and is composed of 67 pieces that were brought from Italy where it is carved

The marble is blessed by Pope Pius XII

The statue was placed on the hill on Christmas Eve December 24, 1958

The statue was hit three times by lightning in 1961, 1962 and 1986 before a lightning rod was attached

The statue was blessed by Cardinal Arteaga on December 25, 1958, however against his will because he had a bad relationship with
the dictator Fulgencio Batista

The statue is 51 meters above sea level and at many points in Havana you can see the sculpture

From the place where the Christ statue stands you have
sweeping views of Havana

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