Friday, 1 November 2013

The Plaza de Armas is the most important and the oldest square in Havana

The Plaza de Armas is the most important and the oldest square in Old Havana

Personally, I think this is the liveliest square in the city and I like to sit here on a bench to watch the population

Around the square are many restaurants and bars and on weekdays the square is filled with book stalls

In the middle of the square stands the statue of former president and leader of the first war of independence Manuel de Cespedes

On the western side of the square is the baroque “Palacio de los Capitanes Generales” the former Presidential Palace that now houses the
Museo de la Ciudad

On the northeast side of the square is a house on the spot where in 1519 the city "La villade San Cristobal de la Habana" was founded

There is also a small fort located on the square

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