Wednesday, 18 December 2013

The station building is a national monument in Havana

La Habana Central (Central Station) is the main railway terminal and the largest station in Cuba

It`s a national monument for its architectural and historical values

The station building has four floors and a mezzanine

There are two high towers with the weapon of Cuba and Havana

The main architect was American Kenneth MacKenzie Murchison

He was inspired by a decorative Spanish style and that explained the elements of the shields and the shells on the facade

On July 20, 1910, the Congress of Cuba decided to build the
new station at this location

This transaction caused heated debates within the political community and in general among the population of the city since the purchase of the land cost more than a million dollar

The Chamber representative Silverio Sanchez Figueras, commander of the Liberation Army, said the trade smelled as a "dirty business"

The action was contradicted by Congressman Colonel Severo Moléon Guerra

The confrontation culminated in a duel to the death on December 9, 1910 and Congressman Moléon died

Two years later, on November 30, 1912, the new Central Station opened

Next to the station are several old steam locomotives

The railways are nationalized and run by the FFCC
(Ferrocarriles de Cuba - Railways of Cuba)

The platforms of the station are nearly a km long and have a total area of 14,000 square meters

Everything is still handwritten

There are lots of seats for the passengers because a day delay is not uncommon in Cuba

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