Wednesday, 25 December 2013

The beautiful beach of Guardalavaca

Click on my video to see the beautiful beach in Guardalavaca

The most beautiful beach I've ever seen is for me the beach of Guardalavaca

The beach was full with all kinds of trees and palm trees

The sand was very white and fine in texture and it was very quiet on the beach

It was strange that there were no shells on the beach

The only thing we found once on the beach was a dead moray

You could sit in the shade of the palm trees to enjoy the beautiful turquoise sea with white foam or take a dip in the sea

The water felt like a warm bath 28C degrees

I remember the first time I went to swim and turned around and saw that beautiful beach with palm trees

I thought for a moment that I swam in a postcard .... so beautiful

This man climb at the top of the palm tree and threw some coconuts down

Later he cut them in half with his machete, stuck a straw in
and sold it for 1 CUC (€ 0.80)

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