Tuesday, 7 January 2014

We have visited the grave of Ibrahim Ferrer on the cemetery Cementerio de Cristóbal Colón in Havana

The famous cemetery "Cementerio de Cristóbal Colon" in Havana was founded in 1876 and is named after Christopher Columbus

The cemetery (of 57 acres) is known for its many elaborate memorials and has more than 800,000 graves

The cemetery is so large that roads are built between the graves

We saw a funeral where the family was driving in a bus behind the deceased

There are a lot of famous Cubans buried here

We have visited the grave of Ibrahim Ferrer, the lead singer of
the Buena Vista Social Club

His last appearance in the Netherlands was at the North Sea Jazz festival on Friday, July 8, 2005

It`s estimated that today the cemetery has more than 500 major mausoleums, chapels, and family vaults

At the cemetery is a famous legend associated with a mother
who died in childbirth

The baby was in a coffin buried next to her but when the skeletons were excavated the baby lay on her chest

Since then it`s a place of pilgrimage for Catholics

The Colon cemetery has a 23 meter high monument to the firefighters who lost their lives in the great fire of May 17, 1890

Baseball is a leading sport in Cuba and the cemetery has two monuments to baseball players from the Cuban League

The first was built in 1942 and the second in 1951 for members of the Cuban Baseball Hall of Fame

The cemetery is well maintained

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