Wednesday, 7 May 2014

From Santiago de Cuba to Baracoa is a wonderful trip

We drove from Santiago de Cuba to Baracoa by taxi

It was a wonderful journey of 250 km through the mountains and
along the coast

A journey that lasted 5 hours, because some parts of the
road were very bad

There was so much to see along the way (ox carts, wild orchids, fruit vendors, cacti, rugged mountains, the beautiful sea, etc.)
that I didn`t get bored

If you watch my video below you get an idea of what
we saw along the road

I can recommend taxi driver Diosmedes Noblet Feris

He speaks English and lives in Santiago de Cuba tel 0053 (0)152467487

After a few days he came (together with his girlfriend)
to pick us up in Baracoa

Before de Cuban Revolution the only acces to Baracoa was by sea, but in the 1960s a 120 km long road from Guanatanamo to Baracoa was build

The road had already been planned by the Batista goverment,
but never got build

The higest point of te road is at over 600 m and it passes 11 bridges

30 km of the route goes through the spectacular Farola mountains, against a tropical background

The route is also called "La Farola"

Some parts of the road are quite steep, especially the descent to Baracoa is only suitable for cars that are in good condition

Thanks to the taxi driver we had plenty of time to enjoy
the scenery during the ride 

We stopped several times to make photos and to buy fruit


  1. Did you remember how much it costed to go from Santiago to Baracoa by taxi ?
    Did you find him through you casa particular ?

    1. We payed 260 CUC for a return. Diosmedes stood at the taxi stand in front of the cathedral. We stayed at Hotel Casa Granda next to the cathedral. I can recommend him.

      Have a nice time in Cuba


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