Thursday, 8 May 2014

Parque Dolores is one of the charming squares in Santiago de Cuba

Parque Dolores is one of the charming squares in Santiago de Cuba

Seated on a bench we enjoyed the Cubans and got a private concert

The baby was hidden under a cloth to protect it from the sun


  1. This is really helpful. Can you tell me how I can contact Diosmedes the taxi driver from outside of Cuba - from the UK. I added 0053 in front of the number you gave but it didnt' work. Does he have an email address? Can you remember how much it cost for the one-way trip from S de C to Baroacoa? Thanks so much

    1. Hello Hilary,

      Unfortunately I have no e-mail address of Diomedes.
      Did you leave the 0 after the country code?
      So ... 0053152467487. If this fails, I have unfortunately no other phone number of him.
      He stands with his taxi every day for the cathedral at Hotel Casa Grande.
      A single trip costs around 140 CUC (after negotiation) = € 112 = 80.46 pound.

      I wish you a nice time in Cuba.

      Kind regards Xandra


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